Two posts in three days? I know, it will never last...
I pledge to do more WIP shots, just to show what I'm up to. This chap really got my enthusiasm back:
Very much WIP, the green and gold are completed, and aside from the leg, the white is pretty much done. The whole miniature was undercoated grey, which is a change for as I usually undercoat in black, but with so much of the miniature being white I thought it better to use grey. The white is better shown from the back of the miniature:
Colours used:
- Green - Orkhide shade, Devlan Mud wash, then Orkhide Shade through Knarloc Green, with some Rotting Flesh added to the last highlight.
- Gold - Tin Bitz, Devlan Mud Wash, Dwarf Bronze, Shining Gold, Burnished Gold, Mithril Silver added to the last highlight
- White - Devlan Mud wash on the grey undercoat, Dheneb Stone through to pure Skull White
Lots still to do, and he's taking a while, but he's enjoyable to paint. I probably won't do an army of these guys, but he'll make a reasonable display piece. Inspiration and motivation is back!
As always comments and criticism welcome.