So the DIY is on hold for a week or so until the plaster is properly dry - a bit annoying, but nothing I can do about it other than be patient.
I’m still on my “clearing the painting desk” mission, and my next finished miniature is this beauty from Reaper:
My photography has improved a little – this picture was taken under the supervision of Kenny, owner of the Ancible and the guy who takes all the pictures of my finished miniatures for the articles, using his setup. He gave me a crash course on taking pictures of miniatures, and I’ve learned a hell of a lot. One of the main things I’ve learned is that I don’t have anywhere near enough light (see my pictures below). Not sure how I’m going to solve that bit yet, without spending plenty of money…
This miniature was an absolute blast to paint (yep, he’s meant to look Khornate) – the skin I’m particularly pleased with:
The final glaze really seemed to tone everything down and tie it all together, I’m tempted to use it more often.
The rest of the miniature was painted how I usually do things, the horns were a bit of a challenge as in trying to remove some pretty nasty mould lines, I had to sacrifice some of the ridge detail, which had to be recreated using paint. Thankfully the tops of the horns were clear of mould lines, and they painted up really nicely. It’s often tempting to dry-brush things like that, but painting on the highlights with a fine detail brush really can make a difference.
Just another bit on photography. I’ve also learned that trying to do things on automatic really isn’t going to work, this stuff has to be done manually to get decent pictures. Yet another area where it doesn’t pay to take short cuts!
I retook a picture of the assassin from the last post:
Still not perfect, but definitely better than the previous pictures!
A quick list of things learned:
You can never have too much light
The camera settings need to be done manually, automatic doesn’t cut it
Background light (from windows, overhead lights, etc) can have a huge effect
The background you put your model in front of can have a huge effect too…
(I won’t be using a red background often…)
So a big thank you to our glorious dictator leader for the crash course. I now have to get some photography practice in, and when the lair is set up properly I’ll have a permanent place to have the camera set up
The next article, Bikou, and maybe something else are next on my plate. Off to Warfare at Reading next month, I noticed Black Scorpion Miniatures will be there, so I maybe picking up some Elven Pirates…
As always, comments and criticism welcome!